The coronavirus pandemic continues to significantly affect the lives of people across the globe.
But now that the lockdown is beginning to end and cities are starting to reopen across the globe, it’s important to know the precautions you should take to prevent the spread of the virus such as wearing a face mask, maintaining social distancing and frequently washing your hands.
And while you already know that you should be sanitizing your home regularly, should you be doing the same with your clothes?
Harvard Health says the disease is more likely to survive on hard surfaces than soft surfaces like fabric.
But germ experts recommend that it’s good hygiene to have outside clothes and inside clothes.
When you come home, especially if you’ve been on public transit, you don’t want to traipse all the stuff that you picked up outside into your home, do you?
The virus that causes COVID-19 can spread from person to person, through respiratory droplets from a cough or sneeze or by touching an infected surface and then touching your face.
If you’re afraid the virus might be on your clothes, put them in the washing machine or set them aside and don’t touch them for a few days.
Experts recommend washing clothing in detergent in hot water, and washing surfaces with alcohol-based products.
On the other hand, if you’re a health care provider, it may be safest to leave your work clothes and shoes outside until they can be sanitized.
The CDC recommends that you don’t shake your dirty laundry, as this may cause the coronavirus to become airborne again, although it’s not certain if it’s infectious at that point.
Researchers are currently studying whether the coronavirus can be cultivated from airborne RNA particles, the New York Times reports.
Remember that the most likely form of transmission is known to be from person to person. So maybe don’t plan that dinner party just yet.
The coronavirus can even live on some surfaces for longer than nine days.
When the virus gets onto any kind of surface, whether it be a fabric or a hard, non-porous surface, it will survive for a certain amount of time.
Normally, in the first two hours, it will dry out and you’ll have an exponential decrease in the viral load (the number of viruses that are infective).
After that, it decreases until, 72 hours later, in the majority of cases, you won’t have any virus.
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